The God Virus

Chapter 498 - Basic Angel Tear

Focusing his sense of awareness on the section where it was injured, Virus observed the wounds healing up and closing at a breakneck speed.

Still, despite the swift pace, it was going to take a few hours at least before the injuries mended. In the meantime, not wishing to just stand still without doing anything useful, Virus retreated into his mindscape before checking the state of the decryption of the movement techniques in his database.

\'The decryption procedure is over already. Now, all I need to do is to develop the third and fourth forms.\'

Indeed, precisely as Virus was claiming, the deciphering phase of the movement techniques was finished. In fact, it had been some time since the process was over, however, being busy with a variety of affairs, Virus didn\'t start the development phase of the third and fourth forms as of yet.

However, now, having nothing else to do, Virus figured it was perhaps the best timing to put together the next two forms.

In the first form, using five of his liberated pathways, Virus took advantage of electricity to stimulate his muscles and nerves as he came up with the \'Impulse\' form.

In the second form, provided by six liberated passages, Virus designed two water turbines and placed them side by side to create the \'Friction\' form which resisted air particles of the environment.

However, coming to the third form, against expectations, Virus didn\'t want to come up with an entirely new concept and attribute that had nothing to do with the first and second forms.

That was mainly because, although each form can be strong on its own, if Virus continued designing and adding new attributes in every form, at the end of the road, when everything was said and done, each form was sadly destined to be shallow in the overall depth of their utilization, thus resulting in a weaker technique that just encompassed a variety of innovative attributes that were not developed beyond their basic fundamentals.

Virus wanted to evade that at all costs, and the method of doing so was to expand and reinforce the already established forms further than their current limits.

Thus, for his third form, Virus wanted to augment either \'Impulse\' or \'Friction\' by improving his comprehension, understanding, and utilization of one of them.

\'The question is… which one should I refine first?\' Contemplating the question for a short period, Virus quickly set his gaze on \'Impulse\'.

\'Impulse it is.\'

In the first form, when Virus designed \'Impulse\', he used five of his liberated passages in order to generate the weakest type of electrical pulse that could be supported by those five pathways to generate a faster reaction and movement speed.

Now, for the third form, there were two adjustments he wanted to make.

The first one was obviously to increase the source of \'Impulse\' from five to seven liberated pathways. Although that sounded uncomplicated and simple, that could not be further from the truth.

As for the second, it was to improve the potency of the electricity by a notch since the energy of seven pathways could also support stronger lightning now. However, doing so required an even deeper knowledge of electrical pulses than the first form.

Fortunately, as the scientific knowledge of the future backed Virus up, that was not an issue for him since he was already aware of the orderly listed knowledge of a variety of electrical pulses from the worst to the best based on chronological eras.

Therefore, the only difference now was that if he had used the weakest type of first-grade electrical pulse the first time, this time he had to supply and install the second-grade lightning which was a level stronger than the first one.

Alas, doing so was bound to put much more pressure on his body, but that was a side-effect Virus was willing to accept in exchange for more speed.

\'Well, in spite of it putting some strain on my body, the next level lightning pulse is still not powerful enough to actually deal permanent damage to my physique.\' As a matter of course, after a rudimentary analysis, Virus had noticed that even though the usage of a more advanced pulse of electricity may exhaust him faster, that was all it could accomplish.

Therefore, having made up his mind, Virus started laying the foundation of \'Impulse\' once more while setting down seven liberated pathways as the source that produces the electricity.

One hour after another passed quickly.

Although the whole operation sounded quite easy, increasing the number of Liberated pathways for the foundation and development of a technique was an extremely difficult and complicated endeavor.

In fact, the only reason Virus could achieve such a task was because he had deciphered tens of thousands of Human-class Techniques which resulted in him comprehending the very essence of how liberated pathways were connected and transformed for the sake of certain techniques.

On the other hand, in case it was a normal cultivator who was trying to construct a Human-class Technique on his own, sure, he may be able to design a technique that functioned via a single liberated pathway rather effortlessly.

However, when the requirement increased to two liberated pathways, the difficulty rises by tenfold at least. And that was just for the second liberated passage alone.

By the time he wishes to invent a technique through the usage of three pathways, that cultivator may get stuck for years before he succeeds in his endeavor.

Hence, the higher the number of liberated passages, the more complex and demanding the criteria and requirements of the technique-creation assignment turns out to be which means even if one spends decades trying to develop something, success was not guaranteed in the end.

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