Ocean Master

Chapter 235 - Battle!

The Sea King Inheritance finally arrived!

When the Atlantian Division Fleet was at their lowest point, the light of hope appeared, the light of the Sea King Inheritance, the light that would alleviate their pressure and also give birth to the main battle for this inheritance.

In better terms, the light of destiny shone on all these predators who were currently gathered and ready to vie for this important opportunity of a lifetime.

No one knew what form the Sea King Inheritance would take, if it would take the form of a bed, a machine, or the form of even a pile of sand, no one knew.

All that they knew was that at the first moment that the bright white light erupted, their hearts told them that this was the ultimate price that they were all frenzied over and were after.

As soon as the light erupted, all the predators froze in reverence of the majesty and power in display, including the Atlantian soldiers.

For the Atlantian soldiers who didn\'t hold as much reverence for a Sea King but rather hate, they didn\'t freeze of their own will, they froze because of the power of gigantic proportions that was seeping out of this bright light.

Everyone freezing meant that they got to see everything that happened next from a first-person perspective without being disturbed.

The bright white light first erupted from the distance like the light effects after a nuclear explosion, then slowly the bright light started dwindling.

As the bright light dissipated, an extremely loud whooshing sound started reverberating through the water as another light lit up in the water.

This time, the bright light was not as expansive as that induced by a nuclear explosion, it was rather focused on one point to form what could only be described as a shooting star.

The shooting star was not close yet, it was still far away but the ripples could already be felt by the predators and Atlantians from such a distance.

Sound waves, water waves, electromagnetic waves, all these waves seemed to turn berserk as they wildly oscillated, spreading dangerous ripples everywhere.

Most of the weaker predators immediately turned into fools. 

The interference was too much, the loud sound accompanied by a disorderly water environment that seemed like the inside of a washing machine was so chaotic that they seemed to have been brainwashed to become fools.

The stronger predators only barely persevered through this. As for the Atlantian soldiers, despite being immobile, a thick blue membrane of water like a shield already covered their heads that protected them from this impact.

Despite this, some of them bled from different orifices in their bodies but overall, they were in a vastly better position than the predators.

All these effects were just spillovers when the shooting light was still far away. It was far away a moment before, but it was nearer the next.

The speed of the shooting star was like the speed of light, an apocalyptic speed that could only be imagined in an apocalyptic scenario.

As the shooting star got closer, the terrifying effects that followed intensified in a rapid marginal manner. 

From just turning to fools, the effects of so many waves acting together became a terrifying power that started ripping the beasts apart.

Some of the weaker predators literally started disintegrating into dust.

Those that were still sane enough reacted immediately and activated their magic shields. This saved them from disintegrating immediately, but all the other predators met their deaths in an untimely manner.

To someone hidden in this seamount, this scene felt too spookily familiar, it felt like when the legendary villain, Thanos snapped his fingers.

From disintegration, the seamount started breaking down the next. Not just this seamount, all the other seamounts that were close by started breaking apart like the apocalypse was imminent.

The seamount shook ominously like its crust was about to burst. Cracks rapidly spread across it like it was a barren wasteland that just suffered the effects of a century-long famine.

The predators in the scene wanted to roar in alarm and fear but they were frozen, they could not. Even the Atlantians were shocked, nothing like this was ever recorded in the history of their race about an inheritance.

The power on display was too dangerously mighty, too powerful, it felt like the world was coming to an end.


Before the astonished eyes of the predators, they saw the yellow lights of a huge explosion as another seamount that was close to this one exploded into a brilliant colorful destructive light as its fragments and rock remnants floated away.

They saw how the life was torn out of this seamount, they saw how all the ecosystem in it was wiped out, annihilated out of existence. 

They saw how a work of nature was torn apart with sheer power.

While all these happened, the shooting star was still rushing closer from afar like a giant space meteorite that was out to destroy the universe, which went to show how far this inheritance was relative to its speed. 

The distance felt like it was light-years away from the seamount.

Fear gripped every heart, perhaps, their greed would now lay birth to their death. It was a funny but sad joke that could not induce any smile in any spectator.


It was finished! 

A large crack was now rapidly spreading through the middle of the seamount. All heartbeats stopped; perspiration flooded the seawater.

When it seemed that this seamount was also about to explode, a shiny blue light suddenly shot out from underground and like needles, this light started mending the holes and imperfections that were now in the seamount.

In just a few seconds, the seamount was back to normal.

The terrifying power of the shooting star affected the seamount again as everywhere shook disorderly, but the blue light from underground continued mending all the imperfections and holes.

The situation continued like this as seamounts kept on exploding.

Even the cliff walls that seemed indestructible originally started having cracks everywhere, cracks that threatened to herald the downfall of this cliff that has stood for possibly a millennium already.

All these were signs that the shooting star was getting closer.

More deaths were recorded, more seamount explosions were recorded, more cracks were recorded on the cliff walls including some part of the walls falling off, this continued for 8 minutes until everything suddenly stopped.

The white light from the shooting star suddenly started restraining itself. It was now too close, any further letting out and this region would be destroyed, leaving no place to plant the inheritance.

As soon as this light was released, everyone experienced a moment of respite and relief but this only lasted for 30 seconds before the inheritance landed on the seamount with a force of gigantic proportions.



The sound was too loud, the force of the impact was too mighty, everything and everywhere seemed to turn static as everyone could only see dizzy lights and hallucinations, their perception was messed up.

This continued for an indefinite time that no one could calculate before it finally died down and their senses started recovering.

When they recovered, they discovered something else in the seamount.

At a certain part of the seamount that was not paid attention to before by the Atlantian Division Fleet nor the predators, blue light was now shining there and a huge tunnel that led underground was now there.

Unlike other underground tunnels, the walls of this one were still fresh, it was clear that it was just dug up.

This is where the Sea King Inheritance was just set up.

Seeing this, the Atlantian soldiers were confused. Of all the possible locations of the sea king inheritance that Staff Sergeant Barnes predicted, this place was not among them, so what was so special about it?

While they cracked their heads over this mystery, a predator that was hidden inside the seamount was shocked as his eyes widened to the limits.

"The Catacombs?!"

Almost immediately after the tunnel appeared to everyone, another bright light erupted from the tunnel followed by an illusory feeling of extreme desire.

An extreme desire for the inheritance entered each of the predators\' hearts, a desire that even Sebastian with his human soul could not suppress.

The Sea King Inheritance was finally set, it was now free for all!

As soon as the illusory feeling of extreme desire swept across, at the deepest and hottest depths of this ocean volcano, a pair of large eyes opened as a beast that was in a deep slumber finally woke up.

This beast\'s pair of large eyes were fiery red like the eye of a volcano, and the deep bloodlust in them showed that the owner was not simple.

This predator was a huge Lizard with the head of a Dragon and the tail of a snake, this predator was the overlord of this ocean volcano region, this predator was the Rogue Snake Overlord.

This predators\' eyes flickered ominously as a feeling of desire erupted from deep inside it at the same time.

"A Sea King Inheritance? Exciting!"

At another region outside the ocean volcano region, at a place of the ocean which was covered by a cluster of stubborn weeds which refused to die year-long despite the extreme methods that were used against them.

At this region hovered another predator, an exaggeratedly huge turtle beast with a predator eye that reflected the number of lives that it already took.

"Paku was right!"

"A Sea King Inheritance, so interesting!"

The Atlantian soldiers froze for a bit as the sense of desire for this inheritance spread through all the predators, excluding only them.

While this happened, all of them stood, watching blankly as their brains seemed to have short-circuited. This continued until Captain Omega snapped out of his daze with a livid expression on his face.

"Wake up!"

"Secure the inheritance entrance, now!"

His yell woke his subordinates up, but it also brought the predators back to reality. Before his subordinates could move, the heated gaze of the predators was already long fixated on the inheritance entrance.

There was no referee, there were no rules, there were no restrictions, this was simply a battle for power and wealth.

Battle erupted immediately!

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